Tuesday, 13 December 2011

The History of Hymn Singing As Told Through 101 Famous Hymns (9780873190213) Charles Johnson, Mary Ann Thorson


Product Details:

Publisher: Hallberg Pub Corp (December 1982)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0873190211
ISBN-13: 978-0873190213

Product Dimensions:

11 x 8.4 x 1 inches
Shipping Weight: 2 pounds

Editorial Reviews This wonderful book contains 136 rare photos of composers, authors and famous churches, of which most never before published 101 hymns and is known in chronological order, with biographies of the authors and / or composers organic chemistry thrid edition answers. All songs are arranged for voice and piano, and all the verses, if at all organic chemistry thrid edition answers. This book begins with the singing of songs in the time of Jesus and the progress in the historical order: Catholic hymns and Gregorian chant, the followers of John Huss, who are now Moravian Church and mentioned; Protestant hymns of Martin Luther and very different views of his Calvin's contemporaries, John. Baptist hymn sing is told through the life of John Bunyan, the Congregationalist Isaac Watts, the "father of English hymns," and the Episcopal hymns by many famous writers Anglican hymn. Methodists not only the enormous contribution John & Charles Wesley made to sing the anthem, but also the basis of their name (as well as the Lutherans, Calvinists, Congregationalists and others) to learn. In the middle of the book, see favorite Sunday school songs and gospel hymns famous. Through biographies of these authors that you know the development of Sunday schools and large evangelical crusades. There are several facilities, including:? A list of illustrations of particular interest? An alphabetical list of all songs by title? An alphabetical list of authors and composers

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